Faux Wood Blinds

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Faux Wood Blinds Vancouver

Our faux wood blinds give you the best of both worlds!

Faux wood blinds have the look of luxurious, authentic wood blinds at a price of about 15 to 25% less. Faux wood blinds Vancouver are made from a synthetic material, and offer easy maintenance and care.

You’ll never have to worry about warping, cracking, or splitting in environments of high moisture or high humidity, making them an ideal solution for bathrooms, garages and more! Available in solid vinyl or in a combination of wood and vinyl blinds for added strength and durability.


Faux wood blinds are durable and less prone to indents and scratches like wood blinds, especially in the hands of a child or pet. their material is resistant to fading, scratching or chipping, making them kid or pet-friendly, and great for the sunniest rooms of the house.


Incredibly low-maintenance and easy to clean, all faux wood blinds require is a simple wipe down with a dry microfiber cloth, or a microfiber cloth and warm soapy water for a deeper clean.


Faux wood blinds come at a fraction of the cost of authentic wood blinds and offer almost all of their benefits. They are perfect for families looking adorn their windows in a beautifully patterned blinds resembling the grain of natural wood, while staying within their budget and saving money.


In high-humidity climates, real wood blinds are prone to absorbing moisture and developing mold and mildew. Faux wood blinds Vancouver are moisture-resistant, water-resistant and resistant to mold and mildew. Perfect for rain, humid climates like Vancouver and ideal for kitchens, bathrooms and saunas.


We offer faux wood blinds in a wide variety of colours and hues, faux wood grains and stains. We also have a multitude of styles to choose from, so you can find the perfect fit and style for your interior decor.

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